All files will be delete on :

Ooops, your website have been encrypted!

What happened to my website?

Your important website files are encrypted.
Many of your .php, .css, .js, and other files are no longer accessible
because they have been encrypted.
Maybe you are busy looking for a way to
recover your files, but do not waste your time!
Nobody can decrypt your files
without our special decryption service.

Can i recover my website?

Sure, we guarantee that you can recover all your files safely and easily.
But you have not enough time.
You can decrypt all your website file safely, how?
You must pay with Bitcoin.

How do i pay?

Payment is accepted with Bitcoin only, we are not using Paypal, CC, etc.
For more information, please click [About BitCoin].
For more information, click [How to buy BitCoin]
And send the correct amount to the address specified in below
After your payment, send payment receipt to email address {Contact Us} ,
and we will send the decryption key to you.


If you need our assistance, send a message by clicking {Contact Us}

Payment 0.2 BTC= 16vSaJraVDQaXKSi5fDNk9UhojrZqN5PUu9

Copyright® 2023 | All rights Reserved | Err0r_HB

Greetz: HackBoyz Team -- Crazy4U -- Err0r_HB -- Zevinskj -- CCCP -- Zannabis -- Zer0 -- EvliLine -- Gomma -- RDX