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<body><center><table height="80%" width="100%"> <br> <br> <br> <td align="center"><img style="width:350px;" src=https://c.tenor.com/AdyODFy5zhAAAAAC/anime-sharingen-madara-eye.gif' width="520"><br><font class="blink" face="Kelly Slab" size="10"><i> <b> Hacked By <x> BlackNet</x> </x></i><font size="6"> <br><hr>BlackNet Was Here<br> >Warning to indian governments do not interfere our country matters,It maybe causes 2nd Cyber War , Indian Media is Spreading heavy level Rumors that Hindus are being Attacked But Leader of The Hindu Mahajot Clarified that no attacks on Hindus were reported but all the leaders who used to be complicated in politics with Awami League were attacked and some hindus were one of them There is no unrest in Bangladesh Right now <br></x><hr> <br> we are BlackNet <br> <br>https://t.me/BlackNet_BD<center> <br> Thanks to <br>ANONYMOUS BD - NIXON CYBER TEAM - ANON SEC BD - ANONYMOUS <br> <button class="lagu" onclick="play();liat();"><font face="Pacifico" size="5" color="black">Play</font></button> <button class="lagu" onclick="pause(); liat();"><font face="Pacifico" size="5" color="black">Pause</font></button> <br><br><audio id="lagu" src="https://e.top4top.io/m_3146xvlmz0.mp3"></audio> </audio> <script> function play(){ var audio = document.getElementById('lagu'); audio.play(); } function liat(){ document.getElementById('galiat').style.visibility='visible'; } function pause(){ var audio = document.getElementById('lagu'); audio.pause(); } function liat(){ document.getElementById('galiat').style.visibility='visible'; } </script>