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function $(_el){ return document.getElementById(_el); } class Moon { constructor(r, angle,omega=1) { this.r = r; this.angle = angle; this.type = rand(0, 2); this.color = "ghostwhite"; this.l=0; this.x=0; this.y=0; this.omega=omega || 1; } update() { this.angle += this.omega*(-PI / 360); } setPos(x, y){ this.x=x; this.y=y; } draw() { //x,y will be passed from Parent //face ctx.strokeStyle="#faa"; ctx.fillStyle = this.color; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, 0, 2 * PI); //will be image later ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); //left eye ctx.fillStyle = "red"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc((this.x-this.r/4), this.y-this.r/4, 2, 0, 2 * PI); //will be image later ctx.fill(); //right eye ctx.fillStyle = "red"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc((this.x+this.r/4), this.y-this.r/4, 2, 0, 2 * PI); //will be image later ctx.fill(); //mouth ctx.fillStyle = "red"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x-this.r/4, this.y+this.r/3); //will be image later ctx.lineTo(this.x+this.r/4, this.y+this.r/3); ctx.stroke(); } pop() { this.color = "red"; } checkCollision(orb) { var dist = hypot(this.x - orb.x, this.y - orb.y); if (dist <= orb.r + this.r) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } class Plannet { constructor(x, y, r,difficulty=1) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = r; this.moonRadius = (this.r/5); this.moonMargin = 24; this.moons = []; this.difficulty = difficulty ; var totalR = this.r + this.moonRadius + this.moonMargin; this.maxMoons = (floor(2 * PI * totalR / (this.moonRadius + this.moonMargin * 2))); this.hue=Math.floor(Math.random()*360); this.pullDown=0; this.pullTillEnd=1; this.dead=0; //hsl(0, 100%, 50%) } generateMoons() { var moonCount = rand(2, this.maxMoons - 4, 1); var _omega=(rand(-1,1,1))*this.difficulty; // rand(-(this.difficulty+1),(this.difficulty+1),1); if(_omega==0) _omega=1; if(this.difficulty >=20) _omega=rand(-1,1,1)* 20; for (var a = 0; a < moonCount; a += 1) { this.moons.push(new Moon(this.moonRadius, a * (2 * PI / moonCount) , _omega)); } } checkCollision(orb) { this.moons.forEach(m => { if (m.checkCollision(orb)) { m.pop(); m.draw(); orb.dead=1; orb.vx=0; orb.vy=0; orb.launched=0; return 1; } }); return 0; } update(updateMoons=1){ if(this.pullTillEnd && this.pullDown){ if(this.y>=innerHeight+this.r){ this.dead=1; this.pullDown=0; } else { this.y+=7.5; } } else if(!this.pullTillEnd && this.pullDown){ if(this.y >= h-this.r*2){ this.pullDown=0; this.pullTillEnd=1; orbia.score+=this.difficulty; orbia.difficultyLevel+=0.25; } else { this.y+=5.5; orbia.y=this.y; } } this.moons.forEach(m => { if(updateMoons){ m.update(); } m.setPos( this.x + (this.r + this.moonMargin + m.r) * cos(m.angle), this.y + (this.r + this.moonMargin + m.r) * sin(m.angle) ); m.draw(); }); } draw() { ctx.lineWidth=2; ctx.strokeStyle="hsl("+this.hue+",100%,50%)"; this.hue++; this.hue%=360; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, 0, 2 * PI); ctx.stroke(); } } class Orbia { constructor(plannet0) { this.x = plannet0.x; this.y = plannet0.y; this.r = 25; this.plannet = plannet0; this.nextPlannet = null; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.score = 0; this.launched = 0; this.dead = 0; this.difficultyLevel=0; this.frame=0; this.theta=0; this.omega=0.05; this.incScore=0; } pullTo(nextPlannet) { this.nextPlannet = nextPlannet; this.launched = 1; } update() { if(this.dead) {this.draw();return}; this.frame++; this.theta+=this.omega; if (this.launched) { sounds.play("fall"); var dist = hypot(this.x - this.nextPlannet.x, this.y - this.nextPlannet.y); if (dist >= 0.5) { var dx = -1 * (this.x - this.nextPlannet.x) / 5; var dy = -1 * (this.y - this.nextPlannet.y) / 5; //in 5 steps this.vx = dx; this.vy = dy; this.incScore=1; } else { this.launched = 0; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.plannet.pullDown=1; this.nextPlannet.pullDown=1; this.nextPlannet.pullTillEnd=0; if(this.incScore){ this.incScore=0; this.score += Math.floor(rand(10, 100, 1)*(5*this.difficultyLevel+1)); } } //check collision if(this.plannet){ this.plannet.checkCollision(this); } this.nextPlannet.checkCollision(this); } this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; } gameOver() { // dead animation if(this.frame >=351){ sounds.pauseAll(); sounds.play("dash"); this.frame=0; } this.frame++; if(this.frame>=70){ // this.vy = 2.5; this.y+=this.vy; this.vy+=1.5; sounds.play("fall"); } if(this.y>=innerHeight || this.frame >=350){ this.dead=2; } } draw() { if (this.dead) { ctx.strokeStyle = "salmon"; ctx.fillStyle = "hotpink"; } else { ctx.strokeStyle = "aqua"; ctx.fillStyle = "aqua"; } // this.theta=0; ctx.save(); ctx.translate(this.x,this.y) ctx.rotate(this.theta); ctx.shadowOffsetX=0; ctx.shadowOffsetY=0; ctx.shadowColor=ctx.strokeStyle; ctx.shadowBlur=50; //face ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0, 0, this.r, 0, 2 * PI); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.shadowOffsetX=null; ctx.shadowOffsetY=null; ctx.shadowColor=null; ctx.shadowBlur=null; //left eye ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(-(this.r/3), -this.r/4, 3, 0, 2 * PI); ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fill(); //right eye ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc((this.r/3), -this.r/4, 3, 0, 2 * PI); ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fill(); //smile ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0, 2, 10, 20*(PI/180), (160)*(PI/180)); ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } } class Background { constructor(x = 0, y = 0) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } draw(dx, dy) { dx *= 20; dy /= 2; var _w = innerWidth, _h = innerHeight; var grad = ctx.createRadialGradient((_w / 2) - dx, (_h / 2) + dy, 0, (_w / 2) - dx, (_h / 2) + dy, Math.max(_w / 2, _h / 2)); grad.addColorStop(0, "ghostWhite"); grad.addColorStop(0.5, "indigo"); grad.addColorStop(1, "indigo"); ctx.fillStyle = grad; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _w, _h); dx *= 100 / 20; dy *= 2; ctx.shadowOffsetX=0; ctx.shadowOffsetY=0; ctx.shadowColor="#000"; ctx.shadowBlur=100; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo((-50) - dx, (_h) + dy); // ctx.lineTo((_w/4)-dx,((_h/2)+40)+dy); ctx.arcTo((_w / 4) - dx, ((_h / 2) + 40) + dy, ((_w / 2) + 100) - dx, (_h) + dy, 50); ctx.lineTo(((_w / 2) + 100) - dx, (_h) + dy); ctx.fill(); dx/=(100/20); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo((_w / 2) + (-50) - dx, (_h) + dy); // ctx.lineTo((_w/4)-dx,((_h/2)+40)+dy); ctx.arcTo((_w / 2) + (_w / 4) - dx, ((_h / 2) + 100) + dy, (_w / 2) + ((_w / 2) + 100) - dx, (_h) + dy, 50); ctx.lineTo((_w / 2) + ((_w / 2) + 100) - dx, (_h) + dy); ctx.fill(); ctx.shadowOffsetX=null; ctx.shadowOffsetY=null; ctx.shadowColor=null; ctx.shadowBlur=null; } } class Sound{ constructor(){ this.queue=[]; this.totalLoaded=0; } load(callback,replayCallback){ // console.log("load Init"); var _this=this; this.replayCallback=replayCallback; this.queue.forEach(function(a){ a.sound.oncanplaythrough=function(){_this.loadE(callback,a)}; }); } loadE(callback,s){ this.totalLoaded++; $('loadStatus').innerHTML+=("loading..." + s.name+" done.. "+sounds.totalLoaded+"/"+sounds.queue.length)+"<br>"; if(this.totalLoaded==this.queue.length) callback(); } add(name,path){ this.queue.push({"name":name,"sound":new Audio(path)}); } play(name,sp=1){ for(var i=0;i<this.queue.length;i++){ if(this.queue[i]["name"]==name){ if(sp && !this.queue[i]["sound"].paused) return; this.queue[i]["sound"].play(); // .then(e=>console.log("playing")); if(name.match("bgm")) this.queue[i]["sound"].onended=this.replayCallback; } } } pauseAll(){ for(var i=0;i<this.queue.length;i++){ this.queue[i]["sound"].pause() } } } var cnvs,ctx,w,h; var sounds; onload=function(){ sounds=new Sound(); var baseUrl="https://github.com/PrashanthKumar0/Orbia-Game/raw/master/"; sounds.add("bgm0",baseUrl+"assets/title.ogg"); sounds.add("bgm1",baseUrl+"assets/game_w0.ogg"); sounds.add("bgm2",baseUrl+"assets/game_w1.ogg"); sounds.add("bgm3",baseUrl+"assets/game_w1000.ogg"); sounds.add("fall",baseUrl+"assets/level_started.ogg"); sounds.add("dash",baseUrl+"assets/pet_monster_touched.ogg"); sounds.load(loadFunction,rePlayAudioFunction); } function rePlayAudioFunction (){ sounds.play("bgm"+rand(0,3,1)); } function loadFunction() { $('loadStatus').innerHTML+=("all Done.. <br> initializing the game"); setTimeout(function(){ $('loader').style.display="none"; $('banner').style.display="block"; },400) //just to add a little fun ;) // init(); } var orbia; var plannets=[]; function init(){ $('banner').style.display="none"; cnvs=$('cnvs'); cnvs.style.display="block"; rePlayAudioFunction(); ctx=cnvs.getContext("2d"); w=cnvs.width=innerWidth; h=cnvs.height=innerHeight; var p=new Plannet((w/2)-100,h-200,80); p.generateMoons(); plannets.push(p); //current var p2=new Plannet((w/2)+150,(h/2)-150,80); p2.generateMoons(); plannets.push(p2); //next orbia=new Orbia(p); addEvents(); looper(); } function restart(){ orbia=null; plannets=[]; init(); } const background=new Background(); function drawBg() { var mag=((orbia.x**2)+(orbia.y**2))**(1/2); var dx=orbia.x/mag; var dy=orbia.x/mag; background.draw(dx,dy); } function looper(){ managePlannets(); if(!orbia.dead){ drawAll(); } else { orbia.gameOver(); drawAll(1); if(orbia.dead==2){ gameOver(); return; } } requestAnimationFrame(looper); } function drawAll(gameOver=0){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,w,h); drawBg(); plannets[0].update(!gameOver); plannets[1].update(!gameOver); plannets[0].draw(); plannets[1].draw(); orbia.update(); orbia.draw(); ctx.font="15px sans-serif"; ctx.fillStyle="aqua"; ctx.fillText("Score:"+Math.floor(orbia.score),w-140,h-100); ctx.fillText("Difficulty:"+(orbia.difficultyLevel),w-140,h-50); } function gameOver(){ ctx.font="20px sans-serif"; ctx.fillStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"; var bw=ctx.measureText("Game Over").width; ctx.fillRect(((w/2)-bw/2)-50,(h/2)-50,bw+100,100); ctx.fillStyle="aqua"; ctx.fillText("Game Over",(w/2)-bw/2,h/2); sounds.pauseAll(); sounds.play("dash"); setTimeout(function(){ $("restartBtn").onclick=restart; $("restartBtn").innerHTML="Mulai Lagi Bang?"; $("banner").style.display="block"; $("bannerInfo").innerHTML="<h1>Game Over</h1><span class='score'>Final Score:"+orbia.score+"<br> Difficulty Reached : "+orbia.difficultyLevel+" </span>" $("cnvs").style.display="none"; },500); } function managePlannets() { if(plannets[0].dead){ plannets.splice(0,1); plannets[1]=(new Plannet(rand(80*2,(w-80*2)),(h/2)-150,80,orbia.difficultyLevel)); plannets[1].generateMoons(); orbia.plannet=plannets[0]; } } function addEvents(){ cnvs.onclick=function(){ orbia.launched=1; orbia.pullTo(plannets[1]); } onkeydown=(e)=>{ // console.log(e.keyCode) if(e.keyCode==32 || e.keyCode==38) {//up arrow or space bar orbia.launched=1; orbia.pullTo(plannets[1]); } } } function rand(min,max,_floor){ var num=(min+(random()*(max-min))) return _floor==1?Math.round(num):num; } alert("Created by itsmeiky✓"); </script> </div> <button onclick="init()" id="restartBtn">Mulai</button> </div> <div id="loader"> <div id="loadStatus"> </div> Loading </div> </body> </html>