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I hope you are always healthy there.....<br> <font color="green">boleh aku jujur... <br> dengerin yaa.. -<br>aku tidak mau kehilanganmu... <br><font color="purple">tapi aku sadar aku tidak berhak melarangmu... <br>dan aku tidak memaksa untuk tetap bersamaku <br>karena aku sangat sayang kepadamu...<br>jika tanpaku engkau bahagia maka pergilah.... <font color="red">ingat satu hal... di sini ada hati yang selalu merindumu... <br> dan akan menyayangimu datanglah kepada ku... <br> jika engkau terluka<br>aku hanya ingin menghapus lukamu... don't forget me... <br><font color="blue">maafkan aku... saat bersamaku...<br>aku hanya membuatmu risih... <br>aku sadar kok siapa aku...<font> <font color="red"> ????????????????????????????? ?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++? ?++++++++_??_ _??_++++++++? ?+++++++????love?????+++++++? ?+++++++????????????++++++++? ?+++++++?????you????++++++++? ?++++++++??????????+++++++++? ?+++++++++??more??++++++++++? ?++++++++++?????++++++++++++? ?+++++++++++???+++++++++++++? ?++++++++++++?++++++++++++++? ????????<font color="blue">I do not want to lose you<font color="red">??????? </font> </font> <font color="aqua" size="8"> kadaaaang...... aku iri dengan masa lalumu :) yang selalu mendapatkan:* kasih sayang darimu :(<font> <br> <br> <br> <font color="read" size="8">is okay' i'am fine ;) </br> <font color="read" size="6">kirim kritik dan saran anda ke WEB di bawah </br> <a href="msapp.web.id"><img src="https://a.top4top.io/p_1470w698s9.png"width="120px"/></a> </br> <font color="blue" size="9"><a>https://www.Jembot_Rogol.com <a/> </br> </font> <i><font color="Red" size="6">[By</font><font color="#FF00FF" size="8">JinTomang]<br></br><font color="#aqua" size="8"> [always love KEDIRI]</font></i> </pre> <script type="text/javascript"> //Define first typing example: new TypingText(document.getElementById("sualmukuna_cugh")); //Type out examples: TypingText.runAll(); </script> <tr> <td colspan="2"><font color="white" size="4"> </font><font color="white" size="2"> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> </td></tr><font color="#FF00FF"" size="8"> <br> [ dera DEARY <br> TO : KAMU ] </font><br></center> <body style='-moz-user-select: true; cursor: crosshair;'><body bgcolor="black" link="#150517" active="#150517" visited="#150517" text="#38eccc" onkeydown='return false;' oncontextmenu='return false;' onmousedown='return false;'> <div style="position:fixed; bottom:0px;right:0px; display: inline-block; font:normal 12px oswald;text-align: center; cursor: pointer; margin:2px; padding:3px 4px;"> <div style="position:fixed; bottom:0px;right:0px; display: inline-block; font:normal 12px oswald;"></div></div> <body> <audio controls autoplay> <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> <source src="https://kosred.com/a/jaqulc.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> </audio>